In honor of this occasion, my hundredth post, I wanted to do something to give a shout out to those brave souls who made up my readership for this first hundred posts. I, of course, have no idea who reads unless said individuals leave comments, so if you browsed through but never left a're assed out. Leave a comment next time.
Additionally, there are major recurring characters in this blog, so I will point them out and give a brief overview of what makes them pertinent to the DL.
First of all, my readership:
Anderson, Kim: sister of Anderson, Cheryl (also a DL loyalist but with no comments); known/referred to simple as "magic show," as she talks a big game about showing the magic to anyone who will listen but primarily to Toph
Barbarino, Tim: brother status; old buddy who has run with the DL since high school and the days of Burbstank and the canyon; common thread between the DL and princess (his cousin)
Davis, Topher: brother from norMinn; being forced to deserve at the hand of law school out in the IE while living with the Hoser; does not have a couch (lives with patio furniture in his living room)
Hirsh, Matt: close friend from growing up with whom the DL shares brother status as well; was a groomsman in his wedding to...
Hirsh, Stef: giant fan of the DL (as the DL is of her)
Hussein, Adam: Toph's roommate; the Hoser, continuous victim of racial profiling at Dave & Busters in Ontario, Calif.
Kramer, Sally: another blogger and friend of Cheryl and magic show; bonded over concurrent car-related issues
Kruska, Katy: elder sister of former high school teammate/good friend; mother of Jophes and Emily. (If you don't know who Jophes and Emily are, then you need to educate yourself.)
Legaspi, Gene: dad; has achieved rock star status among friends of the DL, and is the #1 fan and #1 source of comments for the DL. Shares all updates with...
Legaspi, Pam: mom; also a rock star among the friends...just picks up DL updates from dad
Mathers, Crissy: cousin and avid blogger/cyber stalker - love you, cuz!
Moshy, Michelle: best friend from college; always a phenomenal partner for a session of o & r
Schwartz, Emily: good friend and fellow Trojan PR alum; the PR rock star from Golin Harris in charge of the PRSA young professionals blog and one who made the "strategic decision" to add the DL into the blogroll
Welch, Jennifer: see "Kramer, Sally"
That should cover the readership. Now, we drill into the cast of characters that makes up the content.
Alcantara, Christine: declared PR sister in school, transferred to SC from the College of Saint Scholastica in Duluth, Minn. (no joke)
Clark, Nick: old high school buddy and current head coach of freshman team; also known as Grant; other half of "The Last Call" two-man guitar jam show
Hillman, Catherine: fake wife; high school friend of college best friend Moshy, Michelle; has yet to be featured in postings but will be prominent factor upon move
Ishak, Amanda: declared PR sister in school
Jordt, Mike: old high school and coaching buddy; current assistant coach at LA Pierce; can typically be found drinking with fellow coaches Clark and Legaspi
O'Sullivan, Annette: new roommate in east Ventura; owner of Spuds
O'Sullivan, Frankie: Annette's dog; referred to in the blog as Spuds (because the DL failed to remember his real name)
To all of you who endured through my idiotic ramblings for these first 100 posts, thank you, and hopefully you enjoyed them and will come back. To anyone I may have missed, I apologize profusely. Hit me with a comment, and I will definitely add you all in.
In an absolutely egregious oversight, I missed the one and only person here who had an entire entry devoted to her.
Brici, Paula: virtual coworker with whom I spend a portion of the day chatting with on IM to stay sane; a true PR rock star and a friend and mentor to me; also get major brownie points from the DL for being the only coworker who reads the entries and keeps tabs on how the baby Celts are doing
Milan, Neil: best friend high school version; something of a phantom reader of the DL, claims to read but never leaves comments; busy with his misadventures in the south trying to get his PhD; clearly has zero sense of priority in life
Reimers, Nicole: soon to not be Reimers, Nicole; wedding in June in Texas; has "put up with [the DL's] shit for eight years now...yeah, eight years"; blog mooch (frequent reader, never commenter...unless it's to whine about not getting a shout-out)
There! You happy now?! Now send me my reading, lest I screw it up at your wedding! ;)
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
But Enough About You…
Fascinating article on MSN Slate
The narcissists did it. Some commentators are fingering them as the culprits of the financial meltdown. A Bloomberg columnist blamed the conceited for our financial troubles in a piece titled "Harvard Narcissists With MBAs Killed Wall Street." A Wall Street Journal op-ed on California's economy suggested that Gov. Schwarzenegger's desire for voter's love ("It's classic narcissism") helped cause the state's budget debacle. A forthcoming book, The Narcissism Epidemic, says we went on a national binge of I-deserve-it consumption that's now resulting in our economic purging.
This is the cultural moment of the narcissist. (more)
What is narcissistic personality disorder, and why does everyone seem to have it?
By Emily YoffePosted Wednesday, March 18, 2009, at 7:05 AM ETThe narcissists did it. Some commentators are fingering them as the culprits of the financial meltdown. A Bloomberg columnist blamed the conceited for our financial troubles in a piece titled "Harvard Narcissists With MBAs Killed Wall Street." A Wall Street Journal op-ed on California's economy suggested that Gov. Schwarzenegger's desire for voter's love ("It's classic narcissism") helped cause the state's budget debacle. A forthcoming book, The Narcissism Epidemic, says we went on a national binge of I-deserve-it consumption that's now resulting in our economic purging.
This is the cultural moment of the narcissist. (more)
Saturday, March 21, 2009
There is no other explantion. We are hated.
The baseball gods have frowned upon the Crespi freshman team. I don't know if it's the baseball sins of their coaching staff, or the ugly uniforms, or what the deal is, but they hate us. Another battle that we were right in until the end, resulted in another L.
We lined into three inning-ending double plays. These were not baserunning errors. These were balls absolutely scorched right at shot to avoid getting doubled. Even at that, we were still in the game down 2-1 when we rallied and picked up a run in the top of the 7th to tie it. We then threw up a zero in the bottom half to take it to extras...where we got left on the field by a run scored by the leadoff hitter who got on via a bitch hop that almost killed my 2B.
Such is life...we're sitting at 2-4 and could easily be 6-0 (or 0-6), so I suppose it depends on how you look at it. I'm getting frustrated for the kids, though. They're battling and competing like crazy (which is the first/most important rule) and seeing little of it translating in the win column. We're going to see very quickly what they're made out of mentally. So far, I still love what I see with these guys and think that when all is said and done, this will be one of the better classes to come through Crespi. We just gotta keep grinding.
This, by the way, is when I REALLY hate that I gave up drinking for Lent. I need a beer.

We lined into three inning-ending double plays. These were not baserunning errors. These were balls absolutely scorched right at shot to avoid getting doubled. Even at that, we were still in the game down 2-1 when we rallied and picked up a run in the top of the 7th to tie it. We then threw up a zero in the bottom half to take it to extras...where we got left on the field by a run scored by the leadoff hitter who got on via a bitch hop that almost killed my 2B.
Such is life...we're sitting at 2-4 and could easily be 6-0 (or 0-6), so I suppose it depends on how you look at it. I'm getting frustrated for the kids, though. They're battling and competing like crazy (which is the first/most important rule) and seeing little of it translating in the win column. We're going to see very quickly what they're made out of mentally. So far, I still love what I see with these guys and think that when all is said and done, this will be one of the better classes to come through Crespi. We just gotta keep grinding.
This, by the way, is when I REALLY hate that I gave up drinking for Lent. I need a beer.

Friday, March 20, 2009
Great Day...
"People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring." (Rogers Hornsby)
Wait no longer...happy spring to everyone! As my good friend and colleague Paula informed me (via her noticing the day's Google graphic...such is the life in tech), today is the first day of spring.
Baseball is going at all levels (yes, I do count the Classic and spring training). Being out of the office today would be fantastic if the reason wasn't that I'm laid out sick, but it's all good. The weather is warm, and I get the Amazin' back today.
Froshies are scuffling with runners in scoring position and driving their coaches nuts accordingly, but they're hanging in there and battling. Need a big W against Loyola tomorrow. Update forthcoming soon.
Wait no longer...happy spring to everyone! As my good friend and colleague Paula informed me (via her noticing the day's Google graphic...such is the life in tech), today is the first day of spring.
Baseball is going at all levels (yes, I do count the Classic and spring training). Being out of the office today would be fantastic if the reason wasn't that I'm laid out sick, but it's all good. The weather is warm, and I get the Amazin' back today.
Froshies are scuffling with runners in scoring position and driving their coaches nuts accordingly, but they're hanging in there and battling. Need a big W against Loyola tomorrow. Update forthcoming soon.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
More awful at bats with runners in scoring position. 7-5 L. I'll write more when I'm not so bitter. (So...probably not until we pick up another win. Hopefully Saturday at Loyola.)
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Freshman Report: 500
Beautiful number...and can be used to describe our record after a 10-4 W at Thousand Oaks Saturday. If was a little dicey for a while, as we did the usual kick it around and throw it away on defense, but once we woke the bats up, there was no shot they were catching us.
For freshmen, these kids bang...seriously. I saw a couple balls hit Saturday that guys in varsity lineups can't barrel up to as well as these kids. There isn't anyone in the lineup that I would consider a soft out, and there are a handful who can steal bases like it's their job.
Good stuff going on this week...taking a half day off of work on Wednesday for the big away showdown against theFighting Hillmans Seraphs of St. Bonaventure. Hopefully in between leaving work at noon and heading to St. B for the game, I am picking up the Amazin'. Then on Saturday, it gets even more interesting, as Coach Clark has an interview with the LAFD and can't make the game, so I get the league opener at Loyola by myself. Back to giving signs and coaching 3B. This is going to be a gong show, but I'm such a control freak...I love it.
For freshmen, these kids bang...seriously. I saw a couple balls hit Saturday that guys in varsity lineups can't barrel up to as well as these kids. There isn't anyone in the lineup that I would consider a soft out, and there are a handful who can steal bases like it's their job.
Good stuff going on this week...taking a half day off of work on Wednesday for the big away showdown against the
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Helloooooooo PRSA!
As a product of nepotism a strategic decision by the communications chair, I am now linked in the blogroll of the Los Angeles Chapter's Young Professionals group to add some color amid the serious links. That's right, folks. My good friend and fellow Trojan has decided that my blog belongs amid all the serious links and industry news.
This new PRSA link may double my readership and take it to...I dunno...maybe even double digits. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. For those of you YP rogues who do wander onto this, here's a rough sketch of the kinds of inane ramblings you can expect.
Sports: I'm a former D1athlete bench jockey, a fan and a coach. Baseball is my game (and since it's high school baseball season, you will see numerous posts about my freshman team at Crespi Carmelite HS), but I am an equal opportunity fan unless it's soccer. I hate soccer.
Things/People that Suck: The following have all been covered in previous posts: giving up drinking for Lent, "word" verifications, drunk drivers who drill parked cars, obnoxious people in restaurants, Dave & Busters in Ontario, local utilities in Thousand Oaks, myspace, etc.
Things that are Underrated: Thermos bottles, shoe polish, cruise control....I'm really long overdue for another post in this category...probable future topics: college baseball, the Netherlands World Baseball Classic team, technology in SOUTHERN California. Stay tuned.
Random Technology Acronyms/Facts: Multiprotocol label switching, transient voltage suppressors...these are the kinds of things I do for a living and are tied to the accounts on which I work. should probably skip them.
Other than that, it's pretty much my own take on my own life as a young professional. Hope it's interesting/entertaining to some of you guys. If you're looking for deep insights, hit the back button on your browser and then check another link. If you're just looking for something to deep fry me about on facebook or linkedin or at the next mixer, here you go.
ADDENDUM: Should you stumble onto Earl Weaver post, turn your speakers down if you are in the office because the dialog is definitely NSFW.
This new PRSA link may double my readership and take it to...I dunno...maybe even double digits. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. For those of you YP rogues who do wander onto this, here's a rough sketch of the kinds of inane ramblings you can expect.
Sports: I'm a former D1
Things/People that Suck: The following have all been covered in previous posts: giving up drinking for Lent, "word" verifications, drunk drivers who drill parked cars, obnoxious people in restaurants, Dave & Busters in Ontario, local utilities in Thousand Oaks, myspace, etc.
Things that are Underrated: Thermos bottles, shoe polish, cruise control....I'm really long overdue for another post in this category...probable future topics: college baseball, the Netherlands World Baseball Classic team, technology in SOUTHERN California. Stay tuned.
Random Technology Acronyms/Facts: Multiprotocol label switching, transient voltage suppressors...these are the kinds of things I do for a living and are tied to the accounts on which I work. should probably skip them.
Other than that, it's pretty much my own take on my own life as a young professional. Hope it's interesting/entertaining to some of you guys. If you're looking for deep insights, hit the back button on your browser and then check another link. If you're just looking for something to deep fry me about on facebook or linkedin or at the next mixer, here you go.
ADDENDUM: Should you stumble onto Earl Weaver post, turn your speakers down if you are in the office because the dialog is definitely NSFW.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Chicken dinner...the froshies finally decided to quit playing defense with their feet, and they picked up a W! The baby Celts (1-2) avoided the error bug that had bit them the first two games and swung the bats a bit to pick up the 13-5 W against Cleveland. Gotta even the record Saturday when Coach Legaspi makes the regular season on-field debut. The "Last Call" with Clark and Legaspi turns into the niner and fiver show. Not sure who thought it was a good idea to put these two idiots in charge of freshmen, but it's too late now. Game on!
Irish Lent
Phenomenal...courtesy of my friends on the work-centric facebook profile...
An Irishman moves into a tiny hamlet in County Kerry, walks into the pub and promptly orders three beers. The bartender raises his eyebrows, but serves the man three beers, which he drinks quietly at a table, alone.
An hour later, the man has finished the three beers and orders three more. This happens yet again. The next evening the man again orders and drinks three beers at a time, several times. Soon the entire town is whispering about the Man Who Orders Three Beers.
Finally, a week later, the bartender broaches the subject on behalf of the town. "I don't mean to pry, but folks around here are wondering why you always order three beers?"
"Tis odd, isn't it?" the man replies. "You see, I have two brothers, and one went to America, and the other to Australia. We promised each other that we would always order an extra two beers whenever we drank as a way of keeping up the family bond."
The bartender and the whole town were pleased with this answer, and soon the Man Who Order s Three Beers became a local celebrity and source of pride to the hamlet, even to the extent that out-of-towners would come to watch him drink.
Then, one day, the man comes in and orders only two beers. The bartender pours them with a heavy heart. This continues for the rest of the evening. He orders only two beers. The word flies around town. Prayers are offered for the soul of one of the brothers. The next day, the bartender says to the man, "Folks around here, me first of all, want to offer condolences to you for the death of your brother. You know - the two beers and all.
The man ponders this for a moment, then replies, "You'll be happy to hear that my two brothers are alive and well. It's just that I, meself, have decided to give up drinking for Lent."
An Irishman moves into a tiny hamlet in County Kerry, walks into the pub and promptly orders three beers. The bartender raises his eyebrows, but serves the man three beers, which he drinks quietly at a table, alone.
An hour later, the man has finished the three beers and orders three more. This happens yet again. The next evening the man again orders and drinks three beers at a time, several times. Soon the entire town is whispering about the Man Who Orders Three Beers.
Finally, a week later, the bartender broaches the subject on behalf of the town. "I don't mean to pry, but folks around here are wondering why you always order three beers?"
"Tis odd, isn't it?" the man replies. "You see, I have two brothers, and one went to America, and the other to Australia. We promised each other that we would always order an extra two beers whenever we drank as a way of keeping up the family bond."
The bartender and the whole town were pleased with this answer, and soon the Man Who Order s Three Beers became a local celebrity and source of pride to the hamlet, even to the extent that out-of-towners would come to watch him drink.
Then, one day, the man comes in and orders only two beers. The bartender pours them with a heavy heart. This continues for the rest of the evening. He orders only two beers. The word flies around town. Prayers are offered for the soul of one of the brothers. The next day, the bartender says to the man, "Folks around here, me first of all, want to offer condolences to you for the death of your brother. You know - the two beers and all.
The man ponders this for a moment, then replies, "You'll be happy to hear that my two brothers are alive and well. It's just that I, meself, have decided to give up drinking for Lent."

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
In Remembrance of Saturday Night
If you need an explanation of this, leave a comment...if I get enough of them, I'll post an explanation.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Junior in Name...
Senior in title.
New e-mail signature reads:
Dale Legaspi
Sr. Account Executive
The David James Agency, LLC
O: +1 805 494 9508
M: +1 818 919 0721
Good thing, too. I just ran out of business cards.
New e-mail signature reads:
Dale Legaspi
Sr. Account Executive
The David James Agency, LLC
O: +1 805 494 9508
M: +1 818 919 0721
Good thing, too. I just ran out of business cards.
"Word" Verification
Thanks to Katy (my blogspot resident expert), I have found in my settings where to eliminate this obnoxious comment away, folks. Free and clear of the ridiculous distorted image that is supposed to spell a fake word.
Friday, March 6, 2009
As the Muck Says...
"Fellas...we learned something today. We aint gonna win 'em all."
I have yet to get the full scouting report on the game from Coach Clark, but the frosh fell 6-5 to Hart in game one today. Not all 6-5 L's are created equal, and with major question marks coming into the game, there is probably a light at the end of the tunnel. The game now is to teach these boys how to win because by the limited account that I got, it was runners stranded in scoring position and a couple key defensive lapses that did us in. I hate losing, but I love challenges. They're freshmen. They're going to screw these things up. As a staff, it's our job to fix it. We've got work to do.
Sidebar: No frosh game tomorrow...helping Coach Lauer with the JVs. Should be interesting.
I have yet to get the full scouting report on the game from Coach Clark, but the frosh fell 6-5 to Hart in game one today. Not all 6-5 L's are created equal, and with major question marks coming into the game, there is probably a light at the end of the tunnel. The game now is to teach these boys how to win because by the limited account that I got, it was runners stranded in scoring position and a couple key defensive lapses that did us in. I hate losing, but I love challenges. They're freshmen. They're going to screw these things up. As a staff, it's our job to fix it. We've got work to do.
Sidebar: No frosh game tomorrow...helping Coach Lauer with the JVs. Should be interesting.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Song of the Day - "Second Chance"
By my latest musical addiction...Shinedown. These guys have been around for a few years but are relatively new to me. I like the balance of the power behind the riffs and vocals with the depth of the lyrics. This particular song (which I'm learning on the guitar) is about the lead guy bailing out of his native Tennessee to pursue his rock and roll dreams. In retrospect, a great call by him.
FYI, they did an amazing cover of the previous song of the day.
My eyes are open wide
By the way I made it through the day
I watch the world outside
By the way I'm leaving out today
I just saw Haley's Comet she waved
Said "Why you always running in place?"
Even the man in the Moon disappeared
Somewhere in the Stratosphere
Tell my mother,
Tell my father
I've done the best I can
To make them realize
This is my life
I hope they understand
I'm not angry,
I'm just saying
Sometimes goodbye
Is a second chance
Please don't cry one tear for me
I'm not afraid of what I have to say
This is my one and only voice
So listen closely, it's only for today
I just saw Haley's Comet she waved
Said "Why you always running in place?"
Even the man in the Moon disappeared
Somewhere in the Stratosphere
Tell my mother,
Tell my father
I've done the best I can
To make them realize
This is my life
I hope they understand
I'm not angry,
I'm just saying
Sometimes goodbye
Is a second chance
Here is my chance
This is my chance
Tell my mother,
Tell my father
I've done the best I can
To make them realize
This is my life
I hope they understand
I'm not angry,
I'm just saying
Sometimes goodbye
Is a second chance
Sometimes goodbye
Is a second chance
Sometimes goodbye
Is a second chance
FYI, they did an amazing cover of the previous song of the day.
My eyes are open wide
By the way I made it through the day
I watch the world outside
By the way I'm leaving out today
I just saw Haley's Comet she waved
Said "Why you always running in place?"
Even the man in the Moon disappeared
Somewhere in the Stratosphere
Tell my mother,
Tell my father
I've done the best I can
To make them realize
This is my life
I hope they understand
I'm not angry,
I'm just saying
Sometimes goodbye
Is a second chance
Please don't cry one tear for me
I'm not afraid of what I have to say
This is my one and only voice
So listen closely, it's only for today
I just saw Haley's Comet she waved
Said "Why you always running in place?"
Even the man in the Moon disappeared
Somewhere in the Stratosphere
Tell my mother,
Tell my father
I've done the best I can
To make them realize
This is my life
I hope they understand
I'm not angry,
I'm just saying
Sometimes goodbye
Is a second chance
Here is my chance
This is my chance
Tell my mother,
Tell my father
I've done the best I can
To make them realize
This is my life
I hope they understand
I'm not angry,
I'm just saying
Sometimes goodbye
Is a second chance
Sometimes goodbye
Is a second chance
Sometimes goodbye
Is a second chance
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Best of Craigslist
This site has given so much to me...just in the past couple months. Exhilaration, aggravation, consternation...etc. You get the point. It got me into my current living situation and is now getting me out of said living situation and into a new one. But there is also the best of this greatness.
The Best of Craigslist is something that everyone should be aware of. Here is an example. Those of you who are savvy Web 2.0 people and/or work contacts, already know I have posted this on my profile there or have seen it elsewhere. Those of you who haven't...well...this is one of the best pieces ever written. It should be mandatory reading for every person on the face of the planet.
The sad thing is, the "vacuous" people with heads as "empty as [their souls]" will never figure out this post is about them. Also, they are not among my readership. Anyway, to those of you who are, enjoy this and the other greatness that is Craigslist, and I will be off reminiscing how I have lived what is described here and having nightmares about "Freddy Paws Jr" clawing at my eyeballs. Good night.
The Best of Craigslist is something that everyone should be aware of. Here is an example. Those of you who are savvy Web 2.0 people and/or work contacts, already know I have posted this on my profile there or have seen it elsewhere. Those of you who haven't...well...this is one of the best pieces ever written. It should be mandatory reading for every person on the face of the planet.
The sad thing is, the "vacuous" people with heads as "empty as [their souls]" will never figure out this post is about them. Also, they are not among my readership. Anyway, to those of you who are, enjoy this and the other greatness that is Craigslist, and I will be off reminiscing how I have lived what is described here and having nightmares about "Freddy Paws Jr" clawing at my eyeballs. Good night.
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