We lined into three inning-ending double plays. These were not baserunning errors. These were balls absolutely scorched right at infielders...no shot to avoid getting doubled. Even at that, we were still in the game down 2-1 when we rallied and picked up a run in the top of the 7th to tie it. We then threw up a zero in the bottom half to take it to extras...where we got left on the field by a run scored by the leadoff hitter who got on via a bitch hop that almost killed my 2B.
Such is life...we're sitting at 2-4 and could easily be 6-0 (or 0-6), so I suppose it depends on how you look at it. I'm getting frustrated for the kids, though. They're battling and competing like crazy (which is the first/most important rule) and seeing little of it translating in the win column. We're going to see very quickly what they're made out of mentally. So far, I still love what I see with these guys and think that when all is said and done, this will be one of the better classes to come through Crespi. We just gotta keep grinding.
This, by the way, is when I REALLY hate that I gave up drinking for Lent. I need a beer.

Well, we bought the Widmer's!