Sunday, April 5, 2009

Loaded Post...

I'm back in the saddle after a moving-induced hiatus, and post #101 is coming at you from a little further up U.S. 101 in scenic Ventura. It's been a week since I've been here, and I finally have all my stuff put together in my room, so after some unnecessary venom gentle prodding, I am back on the blog. Happy Easter to everyone, by the way, since actually having a couple days off is what is really driving the completion of this post.

Move was about as much fun as any move...i.e. it sucked, but I had big time help from Jordty on the front end, some organizational help from Catherine on the back and a GIANT assist from mom and dad the whole day (sorry, guys!). Annette and Spuds Frankie are great roommates, even though Frankie keeps trying to sneak into my room, since it was (apparently) his hideout spot before I moved in. Sorry pal. You gone.

The commute is a little bit longer than from Woodland Hills but is about the same as it was from ARob and my apartment in Reseda (if any of y'all remember that location).

Other random tidbits:

Freshman team is playing well as long as I am not out there...meaning, we win on any day of the week except Saturday. Coach Clark is about to fire me.

Speaking of Coach Clark, he has been the most common visitor out to the new location in the VC and has split his time between hanging with me and hanging with the fw, Catherine. Photos to follow up in the next couple days. (I promise, fw...patience!)

Also in said photos, is the newest member of the Ventura County posse, Sarah M number 5 is my favorite Martinak, whose birthday was the occasion that produced said photos. She is a colleague of the fw (chemistry teacher) and has become prominent in the VC migration.

R.I.P. Nick Adenhart. Losing anyone to a tragedy is, of course, really awful, but the fact that he was a guy who was just on his way from making the transition from 22-year-old prospect to professional in baseball, made him a guy with whom I could identify as it easily could have been any of a number of former teammates/friends.

In addition to Easter festivities, Jophes is being baptized tomorrow evening at St. Bernadine, and with Uncle Matt in will be shenanigans. That is about all I can say about that.

So then, I'm laying low in Burbank with the fam for the weekend. Happy Easter, again, to everyone. I'm settling in, so blog posts should be back to the regularly scheduled frequency.


  1. Hey dude, on your move--no love for Mom and Dad? Jordty, Hillman, O'Sullivan and even Frankie got a shoutout, but wow really?

  2. Sorry...last comment apparently not appropriate. will refrain from now on.

  3. fixed that too...didn't apply anymore
