Friday: The Over the Line Tourney
While this thing had a ton of potential going into it, much of it was unrealized at the end of it. Team Legaspi went a disappointing 2-1, losing to the eventual champion of the tourney. To be fair, the team was good, but we kind of gagged.
Team Lauer made it to the finals, but was unable to come away with the W either. To top it off, neither Wilson nor I got into the hall of fame. They are running a new capital campaign for new batting cages. This year's inductees: Jeff Suppan and Trevor Plouffe. I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist, but having worked there and seen first hand how it works, I was not inclined to disagree with those who sensed an ulterior motive.
Per the norm, though, there was plenty of beer to take the sting out of a loss. Max Flaum made a cameo at the tourney, Delja made a cameo at the house for some jam time, and we all rushed the 'wick for some Bob show greatness.
Saturday: Family & Football
This was the day of the big family event hosted by my parents. Grandpa and grandma, aunts and uncles, cousins, significant others and (of course) my brother. Fortunately for everyone involved, dinner was over and done with by the time the SC game started, which brings me to the rant portion of this blog. The topic: college football (odd, right?).
As everyone knows now, the BCS standings heading into conference title games have Alabama at one, Oklahoma at two, Texas at three, Florida at four and USC at five. I, like seemingly everyone else in the country outside the state of Oklahoma, think this sucks. Texas got hosed. Plain and simple. What I don't get is why there isn't the giant national backlash against Oklahoma that there is against Ohio State. Let's run through a brief history...the last five years.
What was at one point in the season being talked about as "the greatest college football team ever" gets shelled by a plucky Kansas State team in the Big XII title game and still goes to the '04 Sugar Bowl. LSU embarrasses them on national TV.

(0-1, BCS: 0-1)
Undefeated headed into the '05 Orange Bowl against USC. Another national embarrassment. Actually, there were two national embarrassments that night, as at least Sooner fans could commiserate with someone.

(0-2, BCS: 0-2)
They get to lick their wounds away from the national microscope in the Holiday Bowl and stretch hard to beat a C- Oregon team from a largely weak Pac-10.

(1-2, BCS: 0-2)
Albeit in arguably the most entertaining game in recent memory, they get beat by a non-BCS team in the '07 Fiesta Bowl, further cementing their reputation as Chokelahoma.

(1-3, BCS: 0-3)
Cough another one up in the '08 Fiesta Bowl to a team that had just lost to Pittsburgh. (The Panthers...not the Steelers)

(1-4, BCS: 0-4)
As you can see, Chokelahoma has quite a history. Hopefully Mizzou can sack up and save us all the indignity of watching them suck on the biggest national stage again.
Speaking of crumbling under the weight of expectations, how about that Civil
Speaking of weight, Charlie should be out of a job in a week. Notre Dame is heinous. Plain and simple. I guess that's what you get for putting your trust in a fat man.
That takes care of half of our rivalry business. Now comes hater week. Tape up Tommy. Lynch your teddy bears. Refuse to wear blue...unless it's this. I've started a holy war in our building, and come a week from tomorrow, if this game goes the way it should, the owner (who is a hard core bruin fan) will be wearing cardinal and gold.
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